35 Synonyms for Pelting and Snow

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A rich diverseness of words and phrases are available to describe an assortment of wet atmospheric condition conditions. Hither are nearly three dozen terms for pelting and snow events and their definitions (some accompanied by other meanings).

i. blizzard: a long, severe snowstorm (also, a sudden outburst of something that comes in a large amount)
2. cloudburst: a cursory, sudden, hard rain
3. condensation: conversion of vapor to a liquid or solid state, such as of cloud vapor into rain (too, the process of making something shorter)
four. deluge: a sudden large corporeality of rain (also refers to flooding or an inundation of annihilation, such as postal service delivered to a destination)
5. downfall: a sudden and or heavy rain
6. downpour: a sudden, heavy, continuous burst of rain
7. driving rain: rain pushed past a strong wind
8. drizzle: a lite pelting of small drops
nine. flurry: a brief, calorie-free fall of snow (also, a sudden advent or occurrence, or a brief period of activeness or excitement)
x. hail: modest balls or lumps of ice and snow (also, something that suggests the impact of hail, such equally a hail of bullets)
11. hailstorm: a tempest that produces hail
12. water ice storm: a freezing pelting that leaves water ice deposits
13. mist: very minor drops of floating or falling moisture (as well, a spray of wet or something that obscures understanding)
14. mizzle: a very fine rain
15. monsoon: very heavy pelting associated with a wind that periodically appears throughout the Indian Sea and Southeast Asia, or the flavour during which this occurs
xvi. northeaster (or nor'easter): a rain storm or snowstorm occurring in New England that originates in the northeast
17. precipitation: h2o in the course of rain or snow; too abbreviated colloquially as precip (also, the process of separating a solid from a liquid)
xviii. rainfall: the corporeality of pelting that falls in a particular area
19. rainstorm: a tempest that produces rain
20. Scotch mist: a mixture of mist and light pelting
21. scud: a slight, sudden shower, peculiarly one driven by wind
22. sheet: a moving expanse of rain (also, various other meanings pertaining to broad, sparse objects)
23. shower: a brusk rain of atmospheric precipitation (also, a fall of meteors or something figuratively resembling a shower, such as an outpouring of support, or a party given for a adult female about to marry or give nascency, or a bath of water showered on the body or the apparatus for such a bath)
24. sleet: frozen or partly frozen rain
25. snow: ice crystals that fall as precipitation (also, something resembling snow)
26. snowstorm: a storm that produces snowfall
27. spit: a brief, slight, and maybe intermittent autumn of rain or snow (also, saliva or a similar excretion)
28. sprinkle: a low-cal rain (also, something dropped in small amounts, such as candy sprinkles)
29. squall: a heavy rain with air current
xxx. sun shower: a short rain that occurs during partial cloud cover
31. storm: a tearing rainstorm
32. thundershower: a brief storm accompanied by lightning and thunder
33. thunderstorm: a storm accompanied by lightning and thunder
34. torrent: a big amount of rain (likewise, a large corporeality of water or of anything that flows suddenly)
35. virga: streaks of rain that evaporate earlier they attain the ground

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